Dua Against Affliction and for Important Concerns

We relate from the Ṣaḥīḥs of al-Bukhārī and Muslim that Ibn ‘Abbās  reported that the...

Dua for Grief or Worry

“Verily, the eyes shed tears and the heart is grieved,” said the Prophet ﷺ as...

Dua on Laylat al-Qadr

We related with Sahih Isnads from the book of At-Tirmidhi, An-Nasai, Ibn Majah and others,...

Dua for sleeping and waking up

We relate in the Sunans of Abu Dawud, an-Nasa’i and others, with a sahih isnad...

Dua When Leaving Home

We relate from Umm Salamah (May Allah be pleased with her) – whose given name...

Dua Before and After Eating

Dua Before Eating We relate from the book of Ibn Sunni that when food was...

Dua when first seeing the Kaabah

Seeing the Ka’ba [Kaabah; Kabah; Kaba; Kaaba] (كعبة) for the first time is one of...

Dua After Adhan

When one has finished responding to the whole adhan one should say: O Allah, Lord...

Dua for Protection

We relate in the Sahihs of  al-Bukhari and Muslim, from A’ishah (May Allah be pleased...

Dua for Good Health

We relate from the Sunan of Abu Dawud from Abd-ar-Rahman ibn Abi Bakrah, who said...

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