Why is Jibril Called “Ruh”?

Why is Gabriel called “ruh” (soul) in the Quran? Like a loud and violent ringing...

Ascend To Heavenly Stations: Surat al-Maʿarij Tafsir and Q&A

Ascend To Heavenly Stations: Tafsir of Final Ayat of Surat al-Maʿarij and Q&A – 2nd...

Tafsir of Surah Al-Fatiha from the Quran Beheld with Sheikh Nuh Keller

Tafsir of Surat al-Fatiha from the Quran Beheld with Sheikh Nuh Keller – August 2022...

Introduction to The Quran Beheld

The Once and Future Hermeneutic – Introduction to the Quran Beheld with Sheikh Nuh Keller...

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