Digital Deceptions: 4-Week-Workshop with the Authors
Dr. Amir Abdelzaher
Ustadh Arfan Qureshi
Dr. Ahmed Howeedy
Lesson 1 Reality Check: The Harms of Digital Technologies
1. Overview
- Understanding the world we live in: Age of abundance and the Age of misery
- Root causes of the ailments of the modern age: Unchecked exposure to the
- digital world
- Cause of physical, mental, and spiritual ailments
2. Setting our bearings: Foundational principles
- Purpose in life
- Rational and spiritual analysis: Usuli Principles that must guide our decisions
- Masalih vs Mafasid
3. Perceived Benefits, Real Harms
- Addictive by design
- Fragment attention
- Direct effects on the Brain
- Cause of mental illness
- Source of Impermissible
- Subtle Spiritual Harms
4. Breaking Free
- Practical Recommendations and Assignments
5. Q&A
Lesson 2 Hidden Agendas: Privacy, Surveillance and Manipulation
1. “But I have nothing to hide”- Why Privacy?
2. The Data Brokers
3. What is my data used for
- Targeted Marketing
- Unlawful activities
- Influence emotions and beliefs
- Mass Manipulation and surveillance
4. Artificial Intelligence
5. Reclaim your privacy
- Practical Recommendations and Assignments
6. Q&A
Lesson 3 Raising Children in the Digital Age
1. Sacred Trust
- Goal as parents
2. The Four Parenting Styles
3. Achieving an Authoritarian Parenting Style
- The Parenting Pyramid: Correction, Teaching, Relationship, Tazkiya
- Learning to be a teacher
4. Managing Digital Devices
- Avoid introducing
- Manage current use
- Educate about the harms
- Build on other interests and strengths
- Choose their suhba
- Manage e-learning
- Prefer tools that prioritize focus
- When to get professional help
5. Foundational principles
- Spiritual means
- Modeling the way
- Building the relationship
- Instilling Iman and Mahabba
6. Practical Recommendations and Assignments
Lesson 4 Back to Basics: Healthy Living in the Digital Age
1. Physical and Spiritual Balance in Digital Age
2. Physical Balance
- Foods and activities that promote brain health
- Activities that strengthen the brain
3. Spiritual Means in the Digital Age
- Taqwa, Zuhd, Dua, Salat, Dhikr, Suhba
4. Looking forward: Islamic Eschatology
- The greatest fitna to befall mankind
- Preparing your family to thrive
5. Bringing it All Together
- Guiding Principles
- Summary of Recommendations
- Ramadan Detox Plan for you and your family
6. Q&A