Calling the Believers: An Ijaza in the Adhan of Bilal (RA) Egypt Suhba
Ustadh Mohammad Adel
This is an exciting short course that offers students an opportunity to connect to a hallowed tradition. Students will be able to recite the adhan and iqama to an authorised teacher with an ijaza in both, and in turn receive a written ijaza themselves! Sheikh Mohammad Adel has done this, he has recited with an authorised teacher who fine-tuned his adhan and iqama. This connected him with 25 other righteous men in this sanad back to these final four: the venerable sahabi Uqba (RA), who took it from the venerable sahabi Bilal (RA – the mu’adhin of the Prophet, Allah bless him and give him peace), who took it from the venerable sahabi Abdullah ibn Zayd (RA), who took it from our Master, the final Prophet and Messenger Muhammad (Allah bless him and give him peace).
At a glance:
- 1-2 sessions – depending on the students aptitude
- A brief explanation on the history of the adhan and its sacred knowledge
- A brief explanation on the adaab (etiquettes) of the adhan
- A stamped, full page colour ijaza certificate on certificate grade paper in the name of the student
- This is an Ijaza certifying correct performance of the requirements of the adhan and of baraka by virtue of connection to the sanad. It is not a teaching certification
- Currently this course is only available to males aged 18 and older