Described by the Prophet ﷺ as the pinnacle of the Quran and a protection against evil, Surat al-Baqarah is often daunting for anyone to memorize because of its length. In this group course, students will memorise the highly meritorious Surat al-Baqara with the help of the teacher and each other.
Students will memorize 2 pages per week assigned by the teacher and will finish the surah over 2 academic terms inshaAllah. Class duration is 1 to 1.5 hours depending on number of students.During class time, students begin by reciting the assigned pages to each other in break out rooms before reciting it to the teacher. The teacher will provide tajweed corrections and read the newly assigned pages to the students, providing a basic translation and explanation of the verses.
Students can give each other support on a telegram group they have the option of joining as well as supplement their class time with a mobile application that helps with memorization.
The final class of the term is an exam in the form of a fun game that helps cement students memorization.