Introduction to Quranic Arabic – Three Part Program
Ustadha Sawsan Mostafa Nashaat
إِنَّا أَنْزَلْناهُ قُرْآناً عَرَبِيًّا لَعَلَّكُمْ تَعْقِلُونَ
Indeed We have sent it down as an Arabic Qur’an so that you may apply reason.
In this three-part program, Ustadha Sawsan will cover all of the basics of the Arabic language and how to apply them to verses of the Holy Quran.
In this program, students will extensively learn how noun and verb sentences work using verses from the Quran and the Kiflayn Arabic text. Students will come away from this program with a new appreciation and a solid understanding of many Quranic verses inshaAllah.
- A Kiflayn designed Arabic text (adapted from Access to Quranic Arabic) shall be covered over the 3 levels.
About the Course
What will be covered in the 30+ hours of this program.
Term One
Lesson 1: Nouns, Pronouns, Adjectives, and the Masculine
Lesson 2: Nouns, Pronouns, Adjectives, and the Feminine
Lesson 3: Nouns, Pronouns, Adjectives, and the Indefinite
Lesson 4: Nouns, Adjectives, and the Definite
Lesson 5: Nouns, Adjectives, and Number
Lesson 6: Sound and Broken Plurals, and Separated Pronouns
Lesson 7: Attached pronouns
Lesson 8: Prepositions and the Genitive
Lesson 9: Inna Sentences
Lesson 10: The Possessive (al-Idafa)
Term Two
Lesson 1: Concept of Root Letters
Lesson 2: Simple Verb Sentences
Lesson 3: Past Tense: he, she, you
Lesson 4: Complete of Past Tense
Lesson 5: Past Tense Number and Gender
Lesson 6: Pronouns
Lesson 7: Passive and Active Voices
Lesson 8: Weak Verbs: Qala
Lesson 9: Weak Verbs: Kana
Lesson 10: Present Tense
Term Three
Lesson 1: The Verb: More On the Present Tense
Lesson 2: Some Irregular Verbs
Lesson 3: The Subjunctive
Lesson 4: The Jussive
Lesson 5: The Imperative
Lesson 6: Passive of the Present Tense
Lesson 7: Present Tense of Qala and Kana
Lesson 8: Active and Passive Participles, derived nouns
Lesson 9: Relative pronouns and 5 special nouns
Lesson 10: Broken Plurals and Conditional sentences
Course Format
This program will run for three terms (ten weeks each term).
Each course consists of weekly live sessions, quizzes and exercise sheets. In the weekly live session, the teacher will explain the lesson of the week, examine examples and solve plenty of exercises with the students. Classes are interactive and students are encouraged to participate and ask questions. Students are also encouraged to listen to the live session recording more than once afterwards if they can.
Weekly Time Commitment
Homework and quizzes will be given to students throughout the term and a final exam will show the student how they have progressed throughout the term and whether the student may move up to the next level or not. The weekly commitment can range between 3-4 hours including the homework, reading, live sessions and quizzes.
Course Requirements:
- Scanned course text will be provided
- Scanned workbook will be provided
Recommended Background
Students must be able to read and write Arabic script to enroll in this course.